This page stores the collection of Turkish dramas in Urdu. It will be very helpful to the users, who are in the search of Turkish Dramas in Urdu. This will entertain users with the famous Turkish Drama like Sultan Alp Arslan Season-2 in Udu, Kurulus Osman Season-4 in Urdu, Selahaddin Eyyubi by Pak-Turk in Urdu, Mendirman Jaloliddin Season-2 in Urdu, Sultan Barbaroslar Hayrettin Pasa Season-2 in Urdu, Teskilat Season-2 in Urdu, Sultan Abdul Hamid in Urdu, The Nameless in Urdu, Muhtesem Yavuz Sultan Selim in Urdu, Soz Drama in Urdu, Marasli Turkish in Urdu Furthermore, you will be able to watch other Turkish Dramas, which are unseen to you.

This page contains the Barbaros Hayreddin Sultanin Fermani (Barbaros Season-2) with HD quality Urdu, English and Arabic subtitles. Barbaros: Sword of the Mediterranean is a Turkish historical drama television series created by ES Film. The series depicts the lives of Oruc Reis and Hizir Reis, two consecutive "Kapudan Pasha" of the Ottoman Empire. Hayreddin Barbarossa, also known as Hızır Hayrettin Pasha and simply Hızır Reis, was an Ottoman corsair and later admiral of the Ottoman Navy. Barbarossa's naval victories secured Ottoman dominance over the Mediterranean during the mid-16th century.
Barbaros or Barbaroslar (Sword of the Mediterranean) in English Subtitles (Season-1)
Barbaros or Barbaroslar (Sword of the Mediterranean) in English Subtitles (Season-1)